We’ve been here for over a week now, so you may be wondering what else are we doing in Majuro.
Well, the boys have been working a ton here. They spent many evenings learning more about our engine as two diesel mechanics worked on it. I am happy to say that we now have a functioning engine. I think that we may be getting a new starter at some point . . . the fun never stops.
We also installed our mizzen boom (that was shaped so nicely by Rich and Jarem) and set up our sun shades (one of which is also thanks to the Erekson family).
The triangle shade in the middle was a gift from the Erekson family. |
A nice silhouette of TC and the new mizzen boom. Thanks Rich and Jarem for working on that over Spring Break. |
The bimini is also up – yay for more shade!
A picture taken by Paul (while he was changing out blocks or something). You can see the bimini in the lower right corner. |
TC has also been working away trying to get our SSB radio working. He’s even had help from neighbors. The SSB (single sideband) radio is what we use to communicate when away from internet access. When working properly, we can receive weather info, send and receive small text e-mails, and chat with people on radios. However, after working on it for quite a while, it seems that it is not something easily fixed. Hmm . . . and I was so excited that I had the blog all hooked up, so that I could update it without accessing the internet. (Thanks for the tip, Larry!) Oh well, perhaps on the next passage.
TC smiling through his frustration. Later on, there was no smile. |
Larry from Katie Lee and TC working on the radio. After much work by TC, he thinks it is something wrong with the Power Amplifier (need a transistor), plus our clarity button pot broke off. Something like that. |
We’ve also been having some fun. I am still enjoying the high-speed internet access. It’s cool enough at night to head out on the deck and get a more stable wi-fi connection.
Me using the internet on deck at night. The lights behind me are from fishing boats. Huge fishing boats. |
We’ve eaten out quite a bit. Making up for lost time, I suppose. During one of our evenings out, I was introduced to a little girl selling earrings, so of course, I had to buy them. Although, now that I think about it, I think TC bought them for me. It was his wallet that was used.
I actually wore a dress when we went out to eat. And then I found earrings to match the outfit! |
They were a cool design. |
We’ve also done other shopping – for things like water, a cooler, a propane regulator and other fun things. During one of our trips, I saw a different way to set up a trailer. Maybe they should have tried this on Kwaj:
Trailer with a View |
Plus we’ve done lots of socializing. TC and Paul had old friends here that I’ve had tons of fun getting to know - Cary and Karen from Seal and Liz from the last time they in Majuro. I was a new face to the group, as was Liz’s husband Greg and a World Teach teacher named Hannah, who will hopefully be coming to Kwaj to visit.
A fun dinner party! |
Everyone is dancing. This is after the Paul and Karen re-enactment of Thriller (yes, the music video by Michael Jackson). |
Plus, friends from Kwaj showed up as TDY and TDY fluff. Oh and a new precious memory was when I got to take a nice, hot shower. It was the first time in 2 weeks that my hair and scalp has felt clean! Thanks so much Henry and Steph!
While this may not be the most elegant looking shower, my shower was EPIC. I love clean hair! |
I love it...EPIC Showers! :) That is priceless! :) Wonderful friends and great memories is what will make this experience so much fun to reminisce about.