We are still in Majuro. Hmm . . . we had thought of maybe going down to outside of Arno (heaven forbid we actually make it into an atoll on this trip) for some surf maybe. However, it looked like we’d be going right into the wind the whole time, which would make the trip more difficult/not as comfortable. Normally, we’d just go for it, but since we’d actually only have two days there (Paul is going to participate in the All Micronesia Fishing Tournament on Saturday and Sunday), it didn’t seem worth it. Hopefully, early next week we’ll head out to other atolls (only briefly though since we have to keep checking back for engine parts).
So, what have we been doing in Majuro besides ordering parts?
I have been doing a LOT of reading. I love to read. Maybe too much. When I was a kid, I would totally get into the book I was reading and block out everything else. (That may also be the result of growing up with five brothers – blocking out noise was a matter of survival.) My parents would have to ask me to do something five times before I’d even hear them. TC would probably say I still do this.
I was going to list the books I’d read and my recommendations, but can’t remember them all (well, either the full title or the author), so I’ll get to that later.
I haven’t just been reading, but I’ll summarize the rest of my/our activities with pictures and captions.
TC and I pulled out the guitar and attempted to sing. Lucky for Paul, he was not around. |
Here I am shaving, a glamorous photo, I know. Remember what I said about boat life not being too romantic? I think I've only been shaving once a week (to save water and because I am lazy). In my former, prissier life, this would not have happened. |
I've been catching up with some former students who are in Majuro enlisting in the Army. |
I've also been running. Here I am running by some government building. Take note of the (yet again) culturally appropriate running outfit. I can't wait to run in just running shorts and sports bra. It's way less laundry to do. |
Also, while sitting and reading on the boat or sometimes laying down and reading on the boat, I observe the water and activity around me. Some fun shots while sitting in the harbor:
This day the water was like glass. |
This day was also the day that this boat got a little too close to us. |
I like this picture - the modern and the traditional. Plus the difference in size. |
Another of the traditional sailing canoes. I love the bright colors. |
There are five guys in this tiny boat. They are a frequent sight. |
Oh and I’ve been practicing driving the dinghy. I hate doing this, but how else will I get better, right?
TC thought it'd be funny to get a pic of me after I was complaining about not wanting to drive the dinghy to the dock because I knew it was crowded. I am totally NOT comfortable driving this yet. |
Again, I'm *loving* your running outfit. Maybe you should consider running in a sundress or something?? Haha. :) Wow---some amazing shots of the harbor there! I think I would have been freaking out about the boat (the Rubicon) getting super close!!! That sailing style is getting to you as you just picked up your camera and took a shot for posterity! LOL :) BTW--Loving TC's camera skillz! Haha--it's a good shot of you in that big dinghy! :)
ReplyDeleteOh yeah...and the shaving...totally classy! LOL At least you have a privacy excuse for not shaving often...me, I just have kids and a schedule that doesn't always permit it. :/ LOL