Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Setting Sail Sometime Today

We are finally leaving Kwaj . . . I think, I hope, I pray?  After pulling out the boat in October 2008, she is finally back in the water and heading out for a few months of cruising.  We hope to use this blog to keep you up to date, if you so desire.  Hopefully I won't be able to post a blog entry for a while since we'll be out in the middle of the ocean. 

*Side note, I actually plan to have a friend post updates for me, so we very well may post updates from places without internet access (via our SSB radio).  However, there will be no pics uploaded until we reach actual internet access.* 

Thanks to everyone who has helped us get ready for this journey in some way, whether you sanded, varnished, caulked, screwed, epoxied, or just gave us moral support.  We could not have done it without you. 



  1. I'm getting all caught up on your trip so far...darn it for no travelling internet while you move!!! LOL :) I'm so glad everything is underway for you all!!! :) I will look forward to every post and picture of the adventure. :)

  2. Thanks Kristen. It's been fun, even if nothing has really gone according to plan. That's life!
