We've literally taken thousands of pictures on this trip. The joy of digital cameras, right? (Especially when between just TC and I, we have 4 cameras).
These pictures are from Katiej, which I formerly referred to as Katchii because that was what was on our chart. I have since learned that it is spelled and pronounced Katiej (the Japanese butchered the name when they charted it years ago). These pictures were taken from November 5th to November 8th.
November 5, 2010
A cute little baby yellowfin - pan-sized, so great for me!
November 6, 2010 - Sorting, Sorting, Sorting
We were sorting & trying to figure out how hand out clothes on Katiej. |
It kind of took over the whole main ama. |
The V-Berth was full, which was why we wanted to give away the items ASAP, especially before our guests arrived. |
The starboard forward ama was full, as well - thanks to the generosity of the people on Kwajalein. |
And the crawlspace between the starboard and main ama was also full. |
November 7, 2010 - A Rainy Day
We decided that we'd wait to go in since it was a rainy day.
Look at that wind and rain! |
This huge yacht was motoring around Ailinglaplap. We saw it at a couple islands. |
After a rainy day, there was a pretty sunset. |
November 8, 2010 - New Clothes for Katiej
I loved seeing the traditional outrigger sailing canoes. It was fun seeing the different colors of the boats and the sails. |
Another canoe. |
A huge thank you to the people of Kwajalein, who made all the following smiles possible.
We showed up at Katiej Elementary School near the end of the school day. |
This little dude checks out his new shirt. |
These girls wait patiently for their turn. |
She seems happy with her new dress. |
I love their bright eyes. |
I love her smile. It lights up her whole face! |
Pandanus treats! |
Attempt at a jumping picture. |
These guys have watched a lot of movies now that they have solar panels to provide electricity. They were pretending that this big branch was a big gun. |
These ladies were pleased with their bag of goodies - men's clothes, women's clothes, towels, and underclothes too! |
They all wanted to flash their hand signs. |
The poor guy on the right had quite the infection on his face, but he was still smiling. Don't worry. When we got back almost three weeks later, it was cleared up & he didn't even have much of a scar. |
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