After having fun dropping things off at Katiej, we sailed up to Jeh Island. We had more clothes to give away, plus our guests would be flying into the Jeh Airport.
November 10, 2010
We saw the Coast Guard plane a couple of times that day. It was looking for a small outrigger canoe boat that was lost at sea. Sadly, the boat and it's fisherman was not found. |
Nervin (and his parents) were delighted by the new ride provided by the Hadley family. |
Nervins's Mom, Nora, was so happy to see the brand new outfits for her baby. Thanks to the Greene family! |
Selvin said that the Bible (in Marshallese) would be very useful for their ministry on Jeh. Thanks to Gary and Cheryle for providing it! |
The family was delighted with all the books. They can use them not only with their son, but at the school where they both are teachers. |
Some books for the Intong family provided by Bess' Uncle and Aunt. One of the books was about a missionary family in Alaska - quite remote like an outer island, but totally different climate. :-) |
Nervin becomes interested in the little flywheel and the clicking sound it makes. |
Some books that they could use at the SDA School. |
Showing them the dried mango and banana chips. On our last visit to the family, the said they missed fruits and veggies, so we tried to provide them with some yummy treats. |
Paul and a neighbor girl exchange smiles and yawns? |
The Cherokee Crew and the Intong Family in their simple, yet lovely home. |
Nervin making good use of his new toy provided by the Greene family. |
Selvin smiles about his new shirt, which his wife says will make him look even more handsome. Thanks to the McGlinn family! |
After our visit to the Intong family, we paddled back to the boat (our dinghy engine was broken) to gather some kids' clothes to take into shore. |
Tialine models her new outfit. I love those big eyes! |
Ikaika - who would become Geoff's new BFF upon his arrival - shows off her new clothes, while Sullivan looks on from behind. I love his hair & his big eyes. |
Me trying to make sure I find outfits that fit. |
Marshallena. She loved borrowing DVDs to watch. |
Sullivan, with Koa behind, and his new shirts. |
Koa gets his new clothes. This little guy was so friendly, cheerful, and bright. Yet another kid that I would have loved to bring home, but I don't think they approve of kidnapping on the outer islands. :-) |
Junior with a big old smile! |
She makes sure her hand sign is flashed before the camera takes her picture. This was after we moved into the shelter of a local outdoor church to get out of the rain. |
A nice mellow sunset. |
Me with my Jeh friends |
TC and Sullivan being silly. Doesn't Sullivan look like he's having fun using TC as a jungle gym? |
Gabriel (Tialine's brother) showed up late. He was totally psyched to get his new clothes. |
TC then led a quick exercise session. Lunges everyone! |
I think they wanted to get muscles like TC. Jason, the kid in front in the black T-shirt, asked if TC was in the military. When I asked why he would think that, he said because he has muscles! |
Time for leg lifts! |
Once again, thanks to the generous people of Kwajalein - these smiles couldn't have happened without you.
Lovely pics..