Thursday, September 16, 2010

A Jaunt to Jaluit

We are headed out tonight to Jaluit Atoll (see map below, you can click to enlarge it).  Our engine issues should be sorted out enough to get us there, and we have a functional SSB radio.  Hopefully in a couple of days, TC will have Sailmail working so that we can send out updates via the blog.
We're in Majuro headed to Jaluit (southern part to check in first).  

There is supposed to be a good swell hitting, so TC and Paul are excited.  I'm excited to take some pictures of them surfing, though I don't think I'll get any quite of John Breen quality, but I can try.  I'm also excited to meet new people, walk around the islands, and probably paddle around myself (I don't promise to even attempt to stand - yet).  We have yet to use the stand up paddle board on this trip, and TC and I used it TWICE before we left Kwaj, so it'd be nice to have some fun on it.

Before we leave, we're going to see one last movie (Eat, Pray, Love) and get ice cream (possibly two).  We'll head out tonight after dark, and we'll sail for 2 nights and 1 day, so that we arrive at the main island to check in on Sunday morning.  And this sail should be mostly downwind!  That's my kind of sailing.  Totally different from the previous sailing we've done on this trip.

Hopefully you'll see a blog post in a few days . . . otherwise, it'll be whenever we have access to internet again.


  1. Did you find surf on Jaluit? I'm moving there in a month and I'm curious about the waves there.

  2. Justin, there was the possibility of surf, but like the waves anywhere in the RMI, it totally depends on the conditions - tide, winds, whether or not a storm has sent waves in your direction, etc. We were only there about two weeks, not enough time to check out the whole atoll in detail. However, it is probably more fickle than most places. Will you be teaching in Jaluit - on Jabor or one of the smaller islands?
