Friday, October 22, 2010

Back to Bouj

Saturday, October 16, 2010 

We heard there was going to be a big (relative to what we'd seen so far) south swell, so we headed back to Bouj.  On the way there, Paul caught two fish – dogtooth and ono.  Quincy almost pulled one in too (we think an ono), but it fell off the line as soon as it got near the boat.

As we sailed down, we encountered a couple small fronts with some rain.  Quincy and I got seasick.  Unfortunately, he threw up, slept, threw up some more, and then threw up again.  However, he shed no tears – quite the trooper.  Plus, we all appreciated that he let us know when he was going to be sick, so that we could get him a bucket or get him to the side of the boat.  I slept so I wouldn't get sick. 

After we anchored at the south pass, the reunited Cherokee boys headed out for surf.  Quincy & I hung out on boat, sent out mail on SSB, played on the Leapster, watched surf through the binoculars, looked for fish under the boat, and snacked.  It was an eventful afternoon for all.  And I really wish that there had been Leapsters around when I was Quincy's age.  I had a little electronic spelling game, but there was no color and no pictures.  I also had one of those push multiplication tables (not electronic at all, but the kind with the springs).  Of course, I had fun with both of them back then, but a Leapster would have been really fun. 

It poured the entire night.  There may have been a few periods lasting mere minutes that were dry, but for the most part it rained.  I'm not talking about a drizzle either, there was a consistent pounding on the roof.  TC had to go out and empty the dinghy 2 times.  There was a ton of lightning and thunder.  I also always get a little nervous when there is close thunder and lightning - it is one thing when you're in a house, but on a boat on the water is slightly scarier to me.

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