Wednesday, October 13, 2010

SSB Post 19 - Run on Jeh

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Another rainy day.

Around 4 PM, we decided to head in to the island to get some exercise. Plus, Paul had gone to shore yesterday & said that one of the kids was asking about us. He said it was Swinton's sister, & I was pretty sure that I knew which girl he was talking about. I'd been looking for her earlier, but hadn't seen her on the last trip to shore.

As we got to shore, there was Beethleen - Swinton's half sister. She remembered us & I remembered her. I had brought a bunch of pictures to shore for her and her family - to thank them for their generosity on our last trip. It was fun to look through them with her & identify all the people in them. Some have moved (to Majuro and Ebeye), but quite a few were still there.

After the guys started kicking around the soccer ball with them, I decided to go for a run to the SDA school, so that I could get some exercise, as well as deliver a gift to Selvin's family. When I got there, only Nervin & Leonora were there. I dropped off a bunch of bananas (we have a whole stalk of ripe bananas that we are trying very hard not to let go to waste), as well as one of the old mosquito nets from the boat. (Their one and only mosquito net fits a twin size bed and has holes.) She was delighted. It was fun to chat with her. I asked her if there was anything the school needed, she said pencils and basically any school supplies. I asked her what she missed the most living on the outer islands, she said she missed vegetables and fruit.

I ran back to the TC, Paul, & the kids thoroughly enjoying the view. The main road on Jeh lies along the lagoon, so it is quite scenic. We played some soccer & volleyball with the kids, which was a lot of fun. As it got dark, we decided to head back to the boat. The kids gave us a gift of a huge bag of coconuts, but we told them we'd just take one each since we still have lots on the boat. I felt bad about that, but I don't want them to go to waste, especially since it is so much work to get them & they seem to enjoy them so much too. Patrick (guy Paul had met on his earlier trips to shore & TC & I met him on our last trip) showed up right before we left with a bag of still warm breadfruit chips. YUM. These were really thick pieces too. We had them as a side for our dinner tonight.

All in all, it was a pretty great day. We made a date to go play soccer with the kids at the SDA school tomorrow during their PE (last period of the day, I checked with Leonora for an okay) & then the kids who go to the other school will come down after too. It should be fun. And I will bring the big camera, so we can get some jumping pics in.

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